Happiness! Australia (HA) does not work for income but for happiness. This means what is given is the resources HA has. Susan has always been inspired to work for free and the inner feeling was to prove to others they are worth it. That giving is real. It was never about the money. She even worked for her father for 2 years to prove to him love is the real abundance and he was supported.
Giving for the sake of giving reveals the real value of seeing a person smile and feel comm=unity. This is why Susan travelled Australia and the World as a peace clown. She hugged thousands of people, entertained on the streets, gave talks on peace and gave with all her heart to experience the abundance in relationships, friendship, trust, no agenda, stepping out into life, making eye contact, having fun and learning peace is harmony. She realised the world is indeed our family.
Happiness is the true abundance in this life, not money, not assets, not fame but genuine feelings of happiness. You can have it all and be unhappy which is a greater poverty than those who have the least yet are always smiling.For everyone who connects with us to get involved in Happiness! Australia and join hands with us to spread this initiative to the world. Together lets bring hope, fun, happiness to ALL without fear, prejudice, or exclusion. All deserve to feel happiness and live to their full potential. As Patch Adams said to we clowns ‘Everyone is great…get to work’. We live where need=want as the real balance and sustainability trusting life or indeed nature.
A wish list has been put together for those wishing to give to Happiness! Australia as part of their exchange or to simply support us on this journey home to realise Our Happy Destiny as Unavoidable.
- Sponsor committed to genuine happiness for our community. This vocation is done for free so help with marketing and communications to get the message of ‘happiness’ would be a service.
- A Happiness! Australia Campervan (painted with Happiness! Australia)
- Basics: Food, stationary, clown props, photocopying and educational materials etc.
- Petrol voucher – to cover costs for travelling to speaking engagements, funship bookings and between cities and towns
- CB radio for remote areas
- Giving your time (Cheer Leaders, Cheer Fools). You teach us!
- IT and admin support
- Marketing, promotions and communications support
- More class clowns/fools/silly people – training in foolishness available. We have experience there. Let’s clown around together to bring cheer.
- Fun ideas to spread happiness. What else what else what else!!!
- 1st Ecovillage for disadvantaged women over 50 (for starters) – ecologically balanced, encourages independence/self reliance, build community, build peace and sharing is caring. Ideas, expertise, land, funding and lots of love welcome.
- World Ticket to travel the world and spread Happiness! When everyone takes responsibility for happiness and unhappiness, world peace unfolds like a ripe fruit. This is why Know thyself places the emphasis on every person taking responsibility for how they impact happiness or unhappiness. As every life matters. Every life is equal. No matter what is believed. A smile is like a candle passed from one to the other to lead by example that anyone can create a happy world. Everyone thrives when happiness/Giving National Happiness is their purpose rather than self interest. We are in this together. Imagine visiting…Maybe pick a country and sponsor a trip woo hoo. Come with us! Let’s link hands.
Afghanistan | Ecuador | Liechtenstein | Sao Tome and Principe |
Albania | Egypt | Lithuania | Saudi Arabia |
Algeria | El Salvador | Macau | Senegal |
American Samoa | Equatorial Guinea | Madagascar | Serbia |
Andorra | Eritrea | Malawi | Seychelles |
Angola | Estonia | Malaysia | Sierra Leone |
Anguilla | Ethiopia | Maldives | Singapore |
Antarctica | Falkland Islands | Mali | Slovakia (Slovak Republic) |
Antigua and Barbuda | Faroe Islands | Malta | Slovenia |
Argentina | Fiji | Marshall Islands | Solomon Islands |
Armenia | Finland | Martinique | Somalia |
Aruba | France | Mauritania | South Africa |
Australia | French Guiana | Mauritius | South Sudan |
Austria | French Polynesia | Mayotte | Spain |
Azerbaijan | French Southern Territories | Mexico | Sri Lanka |
Bahamas | Gabon | Micronesia, Federal States of | Sudan |
Bahrain | The Gambia | Moldova, Republic of | Suriname |
Bangladesh | Georgia | Monaco | Swaziland (Eswatini) |
Barbados | Germany | Mongolia | Sweden |
Belarus | Ghana | Montenegro | Switzerland |
Belgium | Gibraltar | Montserrat | Syria, Syrian Arab Republic |
Belize | Greece | Morocco | Taiwan (Republic of China) |
Benin | Greenland | Mozambique | Tajikistan |
Bermuda | Grenada | Myanmar, Burma | Tanzania; officially the United Republic of Tanzania |
Bhutan | Guadeloupe | Namibia | Thailand |
Bolivia | Guam | Nauru | Tibet |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Guatemala | Nepal | Timor-Leste (East Timor) |
Botswana | Guinea | Netherlands | Togo |
Brazil | Guinea-Bissau | Netherlands Antilles | Tokelau |
Brunei Darussalam | Haiti | New Caledonia | Tonga |
Bulgaria | Holy See | New Zealand | Trinidad and Tobago |
Burkina Faso | Honduras | Nicaragua | Tunisia |
Burundi | Hong Kong | Niger | Turkey |
Cambodia | Hungary | Nigeria | Turkmenistan |
Cameroon | Iceland | Niue | Turks and Caicos Islands |
Canada | India | North Macedonia | Tuvalu |
Cape Verde | Indonesia | Northern Mariana Islands | Uganda |
Cayman Islands | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Norway | Ukraine |
Central African Republic | Iraq | Oman | United Arab Emirates |
Chad | Ireland | Pakistan | United Kingdom |
Chile | Israel | Palau | United States |
China | Italy | Palestinian territories | Uruguay |
Christmas Island | Ivory Coast | Panama | Uzbekistan |
Cocos (Keeling) Islands | Jamaica | Papua New Guinea | Vanuatu |
Colombia | Japan | Paraguay | Vatican City State (Holy See) |
Comoros | Jordan | Peru | Venezuela |
Democratic Republic of the Congo (Kinshasa) | Kazakhstan | Philippines | Vietnam |
Congo, Republic of (Brazzaville) | Kenya | Pitcairn Island | Virgin Islands (British) |
Cook Islands | Kiribati | Poland | Virgin Islands (U.S.) |
Costa Rica | Korea, Democratic People’s Rep. (North Korea) | Portugal | Wallis and Futuna Islands |
Côte D’ivoire (Ivory Coast) | Korea, Republic of (South Korea) | Qatar | Western Sahara |
Croatia | Kosovo | Reunion Island | Yemen |
Cuba | Kuwait | Romania | Zambia |
Cyprus | Kyrgyzstan | Russian Federation | Zimbabwe |
Czech Republic | Lao, People’s Democratic Republic | Rwanda | |
Denmark | Latvia | Saint Kitts and Nevis | |
Djibouti | Lebanon | Saint Lucia | |
Dominica | Lesotho | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | |
Dominican Republic | Liberia | Samoa | |
East Timor (Timor-Leste) | Libya | San Marino |