Susan Carew aka Peacefull Clown is a World Peace Fool or indeed a Fool for Peace.  She is fun, exciting and will leave you contemplating that you can ‘be the change’!  She ca  be booked via email to come to your school, organisation or community group to speak topics of your choice to action happiness in our world.  This is how we move out of confusion and find the real power is in laughter!

Peacefull and Patrick

Happiness! Australia – A Call to Action

  • What is Happiness! Australia?
  • HA Projects to Cheer Up! Australia and Rural areas
  • HA Funships to reconnect with happiness
  • HA Beliefs and conflict resolution
  • HA Empowering Children to SPEAK UP! and Giving REAL HOPES

Happiness 4 Life remembers Your Happy Destiny is Unavoidable

  • Many do not believe we can be happy.  Many feel a doom and gloom hanging over them and a sense of uncertainty about the future.  This presentation discusses key features and tools to create a happy life with a central theme ‘your happy destiny is unavoidable’.  The way we feel is based on what we believe.  Transformative thinking leads to shifts in how we feel.  We can reframe our own challenges and start to co-create the future we want.  Susan believes this is not only possible but inevitable.

The Economics of Happiness  – GNH is real Partnership: A new paradigm!

  • Peacefull talks on ‘Being’ truly Happy (Philosophy)
  • Peacefull talks on Moving from Gross Domestic Product to Giving  National Happiness 4 Fun  (Change Your World)
  • The Realth Wealth of Nations
  • Peacefull talks on How to Inspire society that there is good in this world e.g. Random Acts of Kindness
  • Peacefull talks about how to end Homelessness and Solutions

The Famous Dr Patch Adams and Clowning/Fooling Around – Learning to see and be ‘happy’

  • Peacefull talks on Travelling to Russia with Dr. Patch Adams and 40 clowns and why clowns are the Love Revolution
  • Peacefull talks on Clowning in Hospitals, Orphanages, Nursing Homes and on the Streets in Nepal, India and Australia

Travelling the World to Teach Peace and Happiness – Let’s make a start!

  • Peacefull talks on Travelling to 20 countries around the World as a World Peace Clown
  • Peacefull talks on Travelling Australia teaching Peace and Sustainability in schools and meeting characters
  • Peacefull talks on Teaching a Culture of Peace in Nepal

The Power of our Thoughts: Creative Thinking, Self Inquiry and Law of Attraction

  • The Work of Byron Katie is about questioning your thinking. Susan outlines the process of The Work to end suffering.
  • Susan speaks of her meeting with Edward de Bono (one of the 50 greatest thinkers in the world) and creative thinking.
  • The Law of Attraction is the realisation that as we think/feel we create.

Conflict Resolution means you have the Ability to Respond

  • Conflict resolution is a topic that is not typically understood or taught.  We believe we see as reality but people see as they are not as others are. Misunderstanding is when we get it wrong, abuse is when we project our pain and power is the misuse of conflict to assert control.  All conflict can be resolved when there is a willingness to acknowledge the truth.

Courtney Patch’s Ecovillage: Turning Homelessness into Sustainable Empowered Living

  • Susan has experienced homelessness since 2017.  She has learned how to turn this experience into another journey.
  • Susan interviewed the homeless about what happened.
  • Susan has a plan for transforming homelessness into sustainable and empowered living in ecovillages.  She has a project to house 50 homeless women over 50.

Peace Education can Transform Conflict and Violence – Make it fun and integrated!

  • Peacefull talks on Studying on the Rotary Peace and Conflict Studies Program, Bangkok, Thailand (Rotary Peace Fellow)
  • Peacefull talks on What is Peace and How to Find Inner Peace?
  • Peacefull talks on What is Nonviolence and Non-Violent Communication
  • Peacefull talks on Conflict Transformation and the Resolution of Conflict
  • Peacefull talks on What Really is Bullying and What are Practical Solutions?


  • Peacefull discusses the REAL HOPES program as the first peace, nonviolence and anti-bullying program taught as a clown.  It was a very successful program and started something new.
  • Peacefull provides highlights and gives ideas to schools on how to instil peaceful behaviours, promote nonviolence and how to understand the nature of bullying and activities that can be undertaken to empower children.
  • It is a fun program that all the children loved.

SPEAK UP! Award: Sustainability Peace Encouragement Award 4 Kids to Unite People  – Let’s empower them!

  • Peacefull talks about the SPEAK UP Award for Children
  • Peacefull talks about activities on Sustainability
  • Peacefull talks on the Empowerment of Finding Your Voice to SPEAK UP positively

The Philosophy of the Fool –  The Philosopher’s Stone shape changes ourselves!

  • Awaken the Fool
  • Peacefull talks on What is the history of the Fool and Why a World Peace Fool?
  • REAL HOPES is the Fools Gold
  • Peace Fool Poetry is the gateway to higher knowledge.  Peacefull shares poems that can change the world.

Peace Media

  • Peacefull talks on Peace Journalism in community media as distinct from Conflict Journalism and how we must change the media narrative to resolve rather than inflame conflict.
  • Author of a Fool for Peace – Writing the Peace Fool Story
  • Worldpeacefull Empowerment videos – self expression and finding one’s own voice