public interest honesty is the best poetrypoets corner

Public Interest Poetry is Philosophy 

It arises as the language of the heart.

Poetry opens insight to
‘see differently’

There is no right or wrong only the swan song,
As positions become respected perspectives,
Poetry breaks out of the tourniquet of limited or box thinking,
To free insights for the common good!

A Civil Integrity Manifesto is Value-Able,
A Civil Manifesto will become the new Social Contract,

Homelessness inspires Equality in a renewable Bill of Rights,
Justice of the Peace realises peace is the real Justice.

see differently

Enjoy the free downloads below given as a gift of love to humanity.
For it is time to move into the light of the real public interest.


1)  Civil Integrity Manifesto
for an Australian
Integrity Commission

Click the link to download pdf: A CIVIL INTEGRITY MANIFESTO final23

2) Civil Manifesto for a
Re-new-able Future 

Click link to download pdf: A Civil Manifesto finalmanifesto

3) The Justice of the Peace

Click link to download pdf: THE JUSTICE OF THE PEACE


4) Ending Homelessness

Click link to download pdf:  Poetry Book to End Homelessness for Goodhomeless poetry