Happiness is a Peace Fool’s Journey
Susan Carew-Holmes (formerly Carew) the founder of WorldPeacefull and Happiness! Australia (HA).
HA is a call to action, it is another spoke from the inner wheel of dynamic change into Global Peace.
So from experience of change our journey unfolds and shape changes us. Susan equates her life to the Philosopher’s Stone, that life changes her, not the other way around.
Her background illustrates the shape changes that have contoured her life, flushed up the pain and sorrow, led to the greater happiness of self realisation and changed her direction many times. Life is the great shape changer when you are open.
Our lives are similar to the little plant breaking through the hard environment to bloom in conditions that appear impossible.
Susan estimates that 99% of people are suppressed by low level unhappiness that can lead to depression. There is a weight on their shoulders normalised by life. Thus, there is a normal level of behavioural control witnessed on the streets.
Increasingly, as society breaks down, people move through society with increased detachment on automatic pilot unconscious of their impact on others.
This unhappiness is demonstrated by more fear, less spontaneity or sense of belonging. This brings a wide range of social problems such as: loneliness, isolation, mental illness, low self esteem, suicide, violent behaviour and so on. Unhappiness is about how we feel about ourselves.
All of us can make a difference, and when we are happy we are unstoppable. Why not join with Happiness! Australia and promote happiness what we are all working towards. Will you join us in being the change you wish to see in the world? Get in touch and jump on the fun-ship. If you are from another country why not Happiness (country) let’s lift the lid on our potential. Anything is possible when it is possible to be anything.
You are the love you are seeking!!!
Your Happy Destiny is Unavoidable!!
Why not….
Be the Change You Wish to see in the World (Gandhi)