The following are songs of inspiration.

Phil Collins – Land of Confusion (he’s a clown)

Phil Collins – Invisible Touch

Pharrell Williams is my favourite. It comes suddenly on my radio as a sign wave to make Happiness! Australia happen.

The Irish are famous for their sense of humour and resiliency. Irish eyes are smiling in this video to remind all, we must play the one song. Music brings us all together. It is time to come together and BE happy.

Onion Skin: These are crazy times

Don’t Change (Resolution of Happiness)

INXS: Australia is moving into a new sensation.

Have you found the holy grail? Is the army to fight or to find yourself? Which will make you happy?

When the River Runs Dry.

Freedom is everyONE’s birthright. We were born free and we die free. No matter outer appearances. We all get to choose.

Australia is a great southern land ancient and free.

You’re the voice try and understand it. Nothing I can do or Give it a go?

What is your happiness?

Midnight Oil: Beds are Burning. Is sorry enough by PM Rudd what is a fair go? What is recognition? Should we start a Truth and Reconciliation commission run by We the People. A real voice deeply listens to each other’s stories. The environment was destroyed by industry who are not deeply listening to nature but rather the stock exchange believing this is security. The real security is balance and equality. Happiness is the bounty.

Treaty: The indigenous did not cede this country. They didn’t get a treaty as they are not recognised. Why did the government need an indigenous voice to parliament (recognition of them) when there was no treaty? This is about equality. Truth telling is critical for happiness so each is seeing clearly. I dreamt indigenous came to me. I was impressed to walk the base of Uluru. I did so and I realised they were the peacemakers. We can learn from them.

How has war affected our veterans? Why are we still at war? Can we make peace with difference? Can we find peaceful solutions.