To laugh at life,
Is the greatest strength,
As challenges dance around the fire of drama,
Opinions and judgements of right and wrong,
Frame each scene,
For one can deepen the plot,
Find another script,
Or jump out of this play,
To stay or play is the real question.
We make up the rules,
We are provocateurs,
We make up the jokes,
We look for the punch line,
Some get it (ha) some draw blank (hmm),
Yet we can laugh at the silence,
We can laugh at ourselves,
We can laugh at the sudden bolt of meaning,
That it is meaningless,
We can see there is no harm done,
Only words and points of order,
That have no point.
Life is not orderly or going according to plan,
It is cookie jar of crumbling chaos,
An alphabet soup of swirling cryptic cross-words,
Some give a good roasting,
Others prefer to chill and wait,
Others are brooding or boasting,
Perhaps you are coasting,
Yet it is never dull or dreary,
On the smorgasbord of drama,
For one can always find a new taste for the pallet,
When you see the menu of the game plan ballot,
As life is surely choice.
We place ourselves at centre stage,
For the ego must be seen and heard,
Yet perhaps it is better to play the optional extra,
In the background of inconsequentiality,
For who am I but a hapless fool,
Witnessing a Shakespearean drama of whispers and intrigue,
Where the truth is held captive in the tower of denials,
As each plays their part believing their role to be true,
Yet only the fool steps off the stage in the final scene,
To find adventure in a side splitting path,
For perhaps life is the fool,
So don’t be fooled to find … that life is the joke itself,
And just maybe the joke is on you and me hee hee.