Some say wisdom is knowledge applied. For me it comes from a higher perspective beyond the self. Through our trials in life we find our wisdom. If you keep watching your iPhone and try to avoid the world, you will lose yourself in destraction. Each person has a gift to offer the world. What is yours? Below are some tips, wise words, real magic, stories, disability as ability, co-creation and transforming negativity.

Lao Tzu: The Way

Tao Te Jing by Stephen Mitchell:

Sadhguru: Sadhguru: Create and Manifest What You Want and stop aging.

Eckhart Tolle: Disciplining Our Minds On The Addiction To Technology

Managing your addiction to technology | Eckhart Tolle Teachings - YouTube

Focus on positive thoughts and wisdom to reprogram your thoughts to envisage what you truly want and change the future.

Follow your passion. Dynamo undertakes magic that appears not to be a trick but actual magic which can be called alchemy.

Dynamo was bullied at school. Abuse in our childhoods comes back to us in later life as we have to resolve our imbalance where we do not love ourselves. No matter how famous, success doesn’t guarantee happiness. You must do the work to ‘know thyself’.

We disable ourselves by our thoughts. Those disabled can be more able by a belief in who they are. Australian, Nick Vujicic proves anything is possible.

Ask and You Shall Receive: When this is understood you can start to think about what you are thinking and change your life.

The Work of Byron Katie: We can do the Work on our negative thoughts to transform our thinking when we realise it is not true.

Happiness! Australia will introduce the public to this easy but profound work.  It is all about self responsibility and self knowledge (know thyself) as we create our misery by believing our thoughts 100%. We dwell on events that happened years ago and no longer exist. Yet we carry them like a heavy load to haul out and remember why we are unhappy.   The Work is life transformative. When you commit to undoing the false beliefs you believe, then you open the door to true happiness.  Visit