1 Worldpeacefull Empowerment Training
Worldpeacefull Empowerment (WE) training is based in Melbourne available nationally and worldwide. Worldpeacefull Empowerment training is tailored to the work, health and safety guidance material of each State and within the context of national themes. The introductory video features Susan Carew, the Principal of Worldpeacefull Empowerment (WE) training (formerly Workplace Bullying Training Unit).
2 Happiness Is Our True Nature
I so love the clowns above. This blog is to remember the clown within us. It is to remember when times are tough to smile and laugh and look for the sunny side up. As clowns we have resilience and an ability to see the humour in life. I am often chuckling at the news or what I see as the games out there. Everyone is playing some role or another, and it can be very amusing. I must say when we laugh as clowns we don’t laugh at people, we laugh with people. We come along side them, we are not embarrassing them. That is the style of World Peace Clowns. The messengers of humour have been characterised by the fool, clown, trickster, joker, buffoon and jester. They operate outside the norms of society and simultaneously are near the centre of human experience. There are clowns who depict the happy/sad clown. This just means that life is up and down at times. There is a little tear drop on some who are wishing for a happier side of life to emerge. There are other white faced clowns who bring grace and skills to make others laugh. Others are mimes, I remember Charlie Chaplin here, who was a great mime. Some are comedians or who deliver serious messages with humour.
3 Clowning Around Australia
My name is Peacefull, I am a World Peace Sustainability Clown. My previous blogs documented my journey around the world as a Peace Clown and my ongoing blog ‘Peace is Our True Nature’. I am on a journey home. This means that I am seeking to live in peace with myself, others and the planet. This blog is to document my journey around Australia. This trip is to share my skills as a Rotary Peace Scholar and offer schools the opportunity to receive workshops on conflict resolution, values education, peace education, sustainability, clowning and juggling. I have used the acronym REAL HOPE in my programs which refers to: Responsibility, Empathy, Awareness, Love, Honesty, Oneness, Peace and Enjoyment. These are the universal values and when they are aligned, naturally we give service. I am sharing the peace and sustainability message with schools and I am interested in the voice of children. The journey is an inner peace journey so I will be working on undoing any negativity from my life and working in harmony with whatever turns up. I keep planning to a minimum as I wish to observe life turn up as it does. The harmony in myself is the harmony of the planet itself, as I am not disconnected. I am also aware that my stewardship is about being aware of how I impact on the planet and seeking to make this a sustainable planet for all life forms.
4 Clowning Around The World
This site has been set up to document my journey around the world as a peace clown/educator. On this site you will find My Journal documenting every stage of my journey, a photographic diary in the Photo Gallery, and you will also find a Video Gallery which will also contain a record of the adventure. I will be setting out from Melbourne in Victoria, Australia in June 2010 and expect to have much to report on, in the ensuing months.
Poetry: A Peace-full philosophical Anthology, By Susan Carew (AKA Peacefull) Peacefull Poetry.pdf 1.02MB
A Fool for Peace: https://www.academia.edu/27265551/A_Fool_for_Peace_1_A_FOOL_FOR_PEACE_A_Fool_for_Peace_2