Happy Place Conversations

Let’s talk.

Happy Place conversations can be one on one or a group gathering at a cafe to discuss happiness and the actualisation of a truly happy life.

Patch in Russia talked about Friendshipism. These days our friends come and go and we learn hard lessons that we can’t take anything for granted.

Friends are important as we can come together and exchange ideas and help each other. Coming together is fun as we can see others share happy stories or the creating of happier stories in the future.

We come together in a spirit of support, non-judgement, sharing and positive optimism as really anything is possible when a few positive minds come together.

We are in community, which means common unity. Let’s come together.

To start on the path to happiness we first have to understand what happiness is?

Is it to say ‘it’s all good’ no matter what happens when deep down you don’t feel good but can’t go there?

Or is it to really look at what brings us joy naturally.

Many people get hooked on drugs or alcohol as they have never really dealt with what is really driving their own unhappiness and need for sedation or soothing or a false happiness to escape from the dramas of life. However, this never really works as it is synthetic not authentic and what people need is real discussions to work out a better pathway.

Susan Carew as a Worldpeace Clown has been through this mill and faced all of it. She went down many difficult paths but maintained a positive mind no matter the difficulties and periodic unhappiness. She is here to help you. She is not better than anyone but has found a few answers that can be shared and may well help you to find The Way home to what makes your heart sing. A few pointers:

  • Share your happy moments and experiences so other’s can see another life is possible.
  • It is about learning to question yourself not others. This is self responsibility. Until you take responsibility for thought, word and deed happiness will be out of your reach.
  • It is to be yourself and not worry about what others think. That is, you don’t have to follow the crowd. Happy people deeply listen to other voices, that consider is it true then take on board. If it is not true then you thank them for sharing. Who knows in the future it may well happen.
  • It is about doing no harm no matter how tempting it is to tell them off. This wisdom is to not enter the fight but to find your wings to fly in a way that gives you a higher oversight. We are all learning and we make mistakes.
  • What goes around comes around. Some call this karma but not in a negative sense. We realise that what we do to others returns. So if we are sending out good vibes and helping then guess what, it naturally returns as life is always promoting the good, naturally.

The work of true happiness is an inside job that reveals “to thine own self be true“. this is the pathway to happiness. It is not fairy floss but it is a relinquishing of those things that no longer serve you and to reconnect with what really brings joy into your life. Therefore:

  • It is about really listening to others and not waiting for a gap.
  • It is about sharing your life.
  • It is about vulnerability, letting people in not keeping the world out.
  • It is about finding your voice.

I am here as a guide along Your Way to assist you as I’ve been there too.