In truth you can’t put a price on happiness. It is priceless.

In the commercial world the funships are priced at $40 per participant under the Malama philosophy there is no participant charge.

We are requesting basic costs are covered (deposit)
Participants in can exchange what makes them happy

WHY? As we Give we experience real abundance. It comes from joy. Exchange can be a happiness idea, helping or fulfil our wish list.

Empowerment happens when we give to each other (Malama). That is the real wealth of comm-unity.

Therefore, there is no pricing structure as Happiness! Australia is not a business but a call to action. It is a loving exchange in the spirit of Malama.

The ‘Malama’ Philosophy

Malama means to take care of one’s people. Happiness! Australia believes in Malama.

Gifting is also about social support and care for each other with no vested interest. It is about bringing the tribes together as this video shows. They mention giving Malama. They understood community and exchange.

What Happiness! Australia is not

HA is not volunteering, it is not a non-profit is more like ‘community’ responding to need. There is a need for sustainable happiness.

For example HA would be more of a exchange, it is like going to a friend’s house for dinner (activity) and bringing a yummy home made dessert as an exchange to share. Sharing is caring.

Living to give sends a signal you are abundant and guess what? Life gives back. When we live to take we have it backwards. We send a signal out of ‘need’ or ‘poverty’ and life will send that back to you.

Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is a basic science. We are electrical, our thoughts when we focus do create outcomes. What you think about you bring about. If in doubt it might not come about.

Happiness! Australia is GNH4Fun

This is Giving National Happiness 4 fun (GNH4Fun). It is about finding what you desire to give rather than the poverty of ‘loss’ as some how taking away. GNH4Fun it is to spread abundance. GNH4Fun is a social exchange gifting happiness for whatever it is you wish to give in return. It is about sharing joy and expanding real wealth and abundance as a lived experience.

How Participants and Organisations can GNH4Fun?

Happiness! Australia invites those participating in talks, fun-ships, conflict resolution and other happy activities to exchange based on what they want to give or feel inspired to give. For participants this can be different as usually people pay and join in. You may ask:

Q. What shall I give?
A. Give what makes you feel happy.

Some ideas:

If you can’t think of anything. A few ideas below where we know we will need life to supply our expenses, as follows:

  • Ideas for Happiness
  • Exchange with your gift/talent
  • Spend some happy time developing Happiness! Australia
  • Travel expenses
  • Accommodation
  • Fuel
  • Food
  • Maintenance
  • Vehicle (Happiness Van with big smiley face)

Will add more as time goes on as Happiness expands.

Happiness is the gift that keeps on giving. What goes around comes around. We own nothing in reality. It always gets passed on until we do.

Booking a HA Fun-ship or Activity

If you wish to book Peacefool and Cookyburra to bring Happiness! Australia presentations or funships to your place, you will be required to give a non-refundable $100 deposit to secure your Happy Place. This covers basic expenses (fuel, admin and preparation). If the event is further away we can work out expenses and adjust it.

We are very excited…

Email Peace Fool (Susan Carew-Holmes) to discuss and organise a chat.

Feel free!